In Brief Hello!Hello!Rose Arnold14th August 20209th December 2020 What should education be like? What should education be like? Rose Arnold14th August 202025th April 2021 Who are we?Who are we?dan15th December 201814th August 2020 Better waysBetter waysdan15th December 201827th January 2019 Broken systemBroken systemdan15th December 201827th January 2019 Calls for changeCalls for changedan15th December 201827th January 2019 How We Learn Being obsessed with dinosaurs enhances kids’ intelligence (Psychology Spot)Being obsessed with dinosaurs enhances kids’ intelligence (Psychology Spot)dan6th January 2019 Curiosity is key to early academic success – new researchCuriosity is key to early academic success – new researchdan21st October 2018 Sugata Mitra: School in the CloudSugata Mitra: School in the Clouddan10th November 201820th January 2019 Dan Pink: the surprising truth about what motivates usDan Pink: the surprising truth about what motivates usdan1st December 20187th May 2019 How children learn: British Council nails itHow children learn: British Council nails itdan1st December 2018 What the modern world has forgotten about children and learningWhat the modern world has forgotten about children and learningdan20th October 20188th December 2018 Play is essential to children’s development, health and well being – knowledge from 40 studiesPlay is essential to children’s development, health and well being – knowledge...dan14th November 20187th April 2021 Laura Schultz – children’s logical and scientific mindsLaura Schultz – children’s logical and scientific mindsdan25th November 2018 Video: What is self-directed education?Video: What is self-directed education?dan6th January 2019 Kids learn maths easily when they control their own learning – Peter GrayKids learn maths easily when they control their own learning – Peter...dan14th September 201814th September 2018 Love of learning more important than IQLove of learning more important than IQdan21st September 201821st September 2018 What should education be like? What should education be like? Rose Arnold14th August 202025th April 2021 Load more posts Broken System The bullying problem in schoolsA Broken SystemThe bullying problem in schoolsdan24th September 201824th September 2018 Ellie Chick’s results day Twitter video #ForgottenThirdChange NeededEllie Chick’s results day Twitter video #ForgottenThirddan29th November 2018 Attainment gap between poor and better off grows at schoolA Broken SystemAttainment gap between poor and better off grows at schooldan1st December 20181st December 2018 School fails the brightest students says governmentA Broken SystemSchool fails the brightest students says governmentdan10th November 2018 Schools failing to equip students with digital skillsA Broken SystemSchools failing to equip students with digital skillsdan25th November 201814th December 2018 Opposition to Ofsted’s Bold Beginnings report on receptionA Broken SystemOpposition to Ofsted’s Bold Beginnings report on receptiondan14th May 2018 Load more posts Calls for Change School starting age: the evidenceCalls for ChangeSchool starting age: the evidencedan24th September 2018 Dear government: an open letter about special needs educationCalls for ChangeDear government: an open letter about special needs educationdan15th December 201815th December 2018 Keep Early Years Unique – campaign organisationCalls for ChangeKeep Early Years Unique – campaign organisationdan6th January 2019 Outdoor play officially ‘fundamental’ to learning (TES)Calls for ChangeOutdoor play officially ‘fundamental’ to learning (TES)dan6th January 2019 “I don’t want to hurt children anymore” teacher resignation letterCalls for Change“I don’t want to hurt children anymore” teacher resignation letterdan1st October 20182nd December 2018 CBI President: education is more than knowledge aloneCalls for ChangeCBI President: education is more than knowledge alonedan10th November 20185th October 2020 Load more posts Future & Skills Let kids get cyber skills playing and exploring onlineFuture & SkillsLet kids get cyber skills playing and exploring onlinedan20th October 201814th December 2018 98% of 5-year-olds are ‘creative geniuses’Future & Skills98% of 5-year-olds are ‘creative geniuses’dan25th November 20189th October 2021 The future of work, according to leading HR professionalsFuture & SkillsThe future of work, according to leading HR professionalsdan20th October 201814th December 2018 The Warwick Commission report on the Future of Cultural ValueFuture & SkillsThe Warwick Commission report on the Future of Cultural Valuedan21st October 201814th December 2018 How Minecraft and duct tape wallets prepare kids for the futureFuture & SkillsHow Minecraft and duct tape wallets prepare kids for the futuredan25th November 2018 UK children missing out on languagesA Broken SystemUK children missing out on languagesdan10th November 201814th December 2018 Load more posts Better Ways ‘We batter them with kindness’: schools that reject super-strict values (The Guardian)Better Ways‘We batter them with kindness’: schools that reject super-strict values (The Guardian)dan6th January 2019 What makes the Finnish school system successful? (Interviews with Pasi Silander)Better WaysWhat makes the Finnish school system successful? (Interviews with Pasi Silander)dan22nd October 2018 The Phoenix Education Trust (charitable trust)Better WaysThe Phoenix Education Trust (charitable trust)dan7th January 2019 Sugata Mitra: School in the CloudBetter WaysSugata Mitra: School in the Clouddan10th November 201820th January 2019 Philosophy for childrenBetter WaysPhilosophy for childrendan6th January 2019 School in the Cloud in action – Isle of Man schoolBetter WaysSchool in the Cloud in action – Isle of Man schooldan25th November 20182nd December 2018 Load more posts About Home Education Why ‘deschooling’ is a valid part of educationAbout Home EducationWhy ‘deschooling’ is a valid part of educationdan15th December 201821st January 2019 Education Otherwise (organisation)About Home EducationEducation Otherwise (organisation)dan15th December 2018 Leading head “I understand why home educators feel threatened”About Home EducationLeading head “I understand why home educators feel threatened”dan12th January 201919th January 2019 Home education and students’ intrinsic motivation to learnHome EducationHome education and students’ intrinsic motivation to learndan14th January 201921st June 2021 An overview of home education (TES)About Home EducationAn overview of home education (TES)dan15th January 201919th January 2019 Home Education UK (website)About Home EducationHome Education UK (website)dan15th December 2018 Load more posts Personal Stories Monitoring “will do the children themselves a huge injustice”Personal StoriesMonitoring “will do the children themselves a huge injustice”Rose Arnold24th June 202124th June 2021 SukyPersonal StoriesSukydan15th December 201815th December 2018 Dylan, 13, home ed for one yearHome EducationDylan, 13, home ed for one yeardan20th October 201820th January 2019 Ex-teacher: schools failing students, as well as my daughterHome EducationEx-teacher: schools failing students, as well as my daughterdan20th October 2018 Jaz: first-class degree from London College of Fashion, despite dyslexiaPersonal StoriesJaz: first-class degree from London College of Fashion, despite dyslexiadan15th December 201819th January 2019 Stella home educates two daughters, aged 9 and 12, both with additional needsPersonal StoriesStella home educates two daughters, aged 9 and 12, both with additional...dan12th December 201825th January 2019 Load more posts
What should education be like? What should education be like? Rose Arnold14th August 202025th April 2021
Being obsessed with dinosaurs enhances kids’ intelligence (Psychology Spot)Being obsessed with dinosaurs enhances kids’ intelligence (Psychology Spot)dan6th January 2019
Curiosity is key to early academic success – new researchCuriosity is key to early academic success – new researchdan21st October 2018
Sugata Mitra: School in the CloudSugata Mitra: School in the Clouddan10th November 201820th January 2019
Dan Pink: the surprising truth about what motivates usDan Pink: the surprising truth about what motivates usdan1st December 20187th May 2019
How children learn: British Council nails itHow children learn: British Council nails itdan1st December 2018
What the modern world has forgotten about children and learningWhat the modern world has forgotten about children and learningdan20th October 20188th December 2018
Play is essential to children’s development, health and well being – knowledge from 40 studiesPlay is essential to children’s development, health and well being – knowledge...dan14th November 20187th April 2021
Laura Schultz – children’s logical and scientific mindsLaura Schultz – children’s logical and scientific mindsdan25th November 2018
Kids learn maths easily when they control their own learning – Peter GrayKids learn maths easily when they control their own learning – Peter...dan14th September 201814th September 2018
Love of learning more important than IQLove of learning more important than IQdan21st September 201821st September 2018
What should education be like? What should education be like? Rose Arnold14th August 202025th April 2021
The bullying problem in schoolsA Broken SystemThe bullying problem in schoolsdan24th September 201824th September 2018
Ellie Chick’s results day Twitter video #ForgottenThirdChange NeededEllie Chick’s results day Twitter video #ForgottenThirddan29th November 2018
Attainment gap between poor and better off grows at schoolA Broken SystemAttainment gap between poor and better off grows at schooldan1st December 20181st December 2018
School fails the brightest students says governmentA Broken SystemSchool fails the brightest students says governmentdan10th November 2018
Schools failing to equip students with digital skillsA Broken SystemSchools failing to equip students with digital skillsdan25th November 201814th December 2018
Opposition to Ofsted’s Bold Beginnings report on receptionA Broken SystemOpposition to Ofsted’s Bold Beginnings report on receptiondan14th May 2018
School starting age: the evidenceCalls for ChangeSchool starting age: the evidencedan24th September 2018
Dear government: an open letter about special needs educationCalls for ChangeDear government: an open letter about special needs educationdan15th December 201815th December 2018
Keep Early Years Unique – campaign organisationCalls for ChangeKeep Early Years Unique – campaign organisationdan6th January 2019
Outdoor play officially ‘fundamental’ to learning (TES)Calls for ChangeOutdoor play officially ‘fundamental’ to learning (TES)dan6th January 2019
“I don’t want to hurt children anymore” teacher resignation letterCalls for Change“I don’t want to hurt children anymore” teacher resignation letterdan1st October 20182nd December 2018
CBI President: education is more than knowledge aloneCalls for ChangeCBI President: education is more than knowledge alonedan10th November 20185th October 2020
Let kids get cyber skills playing and exploring onlineFuture & SkillsLet kids get cyber skills playing and exploring onlinedan20th October 201814th December 2018
98% of 5-year-olds are ‘creative geniuses’Future & Skills98% of 5-year-olds are ‘creative geniuses’dan25th November 20189th October 2021
The future of work, according to leading HR professionalsFuture & SkillsThe future of work, according to leading HR professionalsdan20th October 201814th December 2018
The Warwick Commission report on the Future of Cultural ValueFuture & SkillsThe Warwick Commission report on the Future of Cultural Valuedan21st October 201814th December 2018
How Minecraft and duct tape wallets prepare kids for the futureFuture & SkillsHow Minecraft and duct tape wallets prepare kids for the futuredan25th November 2018
UK children missing out on languagesA Broken SystemUK children missing out on languagesdan10th November 201814th December 2018
‘We batter them with kindness’: schools that reject super-strict values (The Guardian)Better Ways‘We batter them with kindness’: schools that reject super-strict values (The Guardian)dan6th January 2019
What makes the Finnish school system successful? (Interviews with Pasi Silander)Better WaysWhat makes the Finnish school system successful? (Interviews with Pasi Silander)dan22nd October 2018
The Phoenix Education Trust (charitable trust)Better WaysThe Phoenix Education Trust (charitable trust)dan7th January 2019
Sugata Mitra: School in the CloudBetter WaysSugata Mitra: School in the Clouddan10th November 201820th January 2019
School in the Cloud in action – Isle of Man schoolBetter WaysSchool in the Cloud in action – Isle of Man schooldan25th November 20182nd December 2018
Why ‘deschooling’ is a valid part of educationAbout Home EducationWhy ‘deschooling’ is a valid part of educationdan15th December 201821st January 2019
Education Otherwise (organisation)About Home EducationEducation Otherwise (organisation)dan15th December 2018
Leading head “I understand why home educators feel threatened”About Home EducationLeading head “I understand why home educators feel threatened”dan12th January 201919th January 2019
Home education and students’ intrinsic motivation to learnHome EducationHome education and students’ intrinsic motivation to learndan14th January 201921st June 2021
An overview of home education (TES)About Home EducationAn overview of home education (TES)dan15th January 201919th January 2019
Monitoring “will do the children themselves a huge injustice”Personal StoriesMonitoring “will do the children themselves a huge injustice”Rose Arnold24th June 202124th June 2021
Dylan, 13, home ed for one yearHome EducationDylan, 13, home ed for one yeardan20th October 201820th January 2019
Ex-teacher: schools failing students, as well as my daughterHome EducationEx-teacher: schools failing students, as well as my daughterdan20th October 2018
Jaz: first-class degree from London College of Fashion, despite dyslexiaPersonal StoriesJaz: first-class degree from London College of Fashion, despite dyslexiadan15th December 201819th January 2019
Stella home educates two daughters, aged 9 and 12, both with additional needsPersonal StoriesStella home educates two daughters, aged 9 and 12, both with additional...dan12th December 201825th January 2019