Frequently asked questions about elective home education Are parents qualified to teach children? Home education is not the same as school. Some parents do choose...
Survey: home educator’s experiences with local authorities Liverpool Hope University senior lecturer in childhood studies Dr Harriet Pattison, author of Rethinking Learning to Read, and...
Researcher Jennifer Alburey, who has a professional background in law and is a member of the home educating community in England, carried out qualitative research...
Dr Harriet Pattison is amongst those concerned that there will be knee-jerk policy changes around home education founded on misunderstanding and without evidence. Home education...
Expert opinion on home education from clinical psychologist and author Dr Naomi Fisher Dr Naomi Fisher, PhD, DClinPsy, MACantab (I) Clinical Psychologist I am a...
Home Education in the UK: A Bibliography (2009 – 2019) Compiled by Rahel Berman This is a comprehensive bibliography of academic publications regarding home education...
We reject proposals to introduce mandatory registration and monitoring of electively home educated children on the following grounds. Educational We reject the idea that local authorities...
Research from University of Birmingham highlights how concerns about home educators are often based on their class or ethnicity. Muslim home educators are one group...
This 2003 article by Steven Hastings, published on TES, is a great overview of home education in England. Everything from who’s doing it, legal standing,...