States of Mind, an organisation dedicated to the wellbeing of young people, focuses on understanding and addressing the social causes of young people’s distress and...
Isolation booth to school exclusion: We need to find a better way Sarah Martin-Denham, senior lecturer at the University of Sunderland and programme leader for...
The Institute of Race Relations report ‘How Black Working-Class Youth are Criminalised and Excluded in the English School System: A London Case Study, shows how...
The National Curriculum has for many years been criticised for its narrow focus and lack of room for creativity or development of problem solving skills...
University of London’s Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Co-ordinating Centre carried out a ‘systematic review of the impact of summative assessment and tests...
Children and young people in this country are experiencing incredibly high levels of stress, anxiety and unhappiness at increasingly younger ages. We don’t yet know...
‘People give up’: the crisis in school support for children with special needs The government’s own figures show big rises in the numbers of education,...
Research by Harvard Medical School is yet more evidence that children are harmed by early formal education “New findings by Harvard Medical School researchers confirm that it’s...
Geoff Barton, general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, writes about the practice of off-rolling “Off-rolling isn’t just about macho demonstrations of...