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Calls for Change Change Needed

Parent groups campaigning for change

There are many parents, with children in school, fighting to make the school system better.

Rescue our Schools campaign on the many issues facing schools, which are covered on this site. They have a comprehensive manifesto and state that “21st Century education policy-making must be evidence-based, not dominated by the ideology or school experiences of government ministers.”

Too Much Too Soon seeks to push back against the relentless insistence of ever more formal education at younger and younger ages.

Keep Early Years Unique campaigns on a number of issues including against baseline testing, against the recommendations of the Bold Beginnings report and for an evidence-based,  developmentally appropriate approach to early years learning.

More Than A Score fights the relentless increase in testing.

Parents Want a Say campaigns against the term time holiday rules which criminalise normal people.

The Parents Union warns of a ‘perfect storm’ in the school system with increased pressure on “attainment”, attendance targets, a narrowing of curriculum, growth in academics along with funding cuts, pressure on mental health services, high teacher workloads at the same time as a lack of parental voice in schools or national policymaking.

Not Fine In School is one of the many support groups for parents of children who are desperately struggling with attending school.

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