Writer Esther Jones home educates her three children through an unschooling approach. She writes about their life and about home education and unschooling more widely...
While academic success should not be the only measure of a successful education it is useful to understand that home education is certainly no barrier...
24-year-old Jaz graduated with a first-class degree in Fashion Visual Merchandising and Branding from London College of Fashion. She is dyslexic, although because of the...
Suky talks about home educating her six-year-old daughter, who has a rare syndrome and additional needs. We home educate our nearly six-year-old daughter and have...
Stella talks about her experience of home educating two of her children. They have recently withdrawn nine-year-old Tobi and 12-year-old Poppy from school. Both children...
15-year-old Lola, is High Functioning Aspergers with Severe Dyscalculia. She left school this year. Is home education your choice or did your parents make that...