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About Home Education In Brief

Dear home educators

This website is not for you, as such. It isn’t about home education, nor how to do it. It is mostly missing the resources you perhaps have found most helpful, it doesn’t include the most influential thinkers on education and there is little shared from the experience of home educators nor from the wealth of blogs available to us.

In part this is because there are already ample resources on home education. The key reason however is that the intended audience for this website is people who are wary about home education, who don’t get why it should be allowed, and think it should be monitored. It aims to share the huge amount of evidence and understanding of how we learn, about the skills needed in our society and about how badly schools are failing to provide anything like a suitable education. It does not promote home education as the solution to the problems in the school system, home education will not suit everyone. Our school system needs to fundamentally change so that it meets the needs of individual children and of society. The right to home educate is important, and support of home education is a part of the revolution needed.

Likewise, you may not like the articles shared here. You might feel that it is unnecessary to justify in neo-liberal terms the value of creativity and of happy children. They should be enough in themselves but that is not always the case in our society. This website provides the evidence that creativity is a mindset desperately needed by business and that happy children achieve more academically, because many people need to know this in order to understand the value of home education and of self-directed learning.

There is a truly brilliant book, ‘So what’s wrong with school?’ by Jessica Mwanzia which addresses this topic in a compelling and radical way. Recommend it widely. If we could persuade decision makers and those who are unenthusiastic about home education to read this book it would go some way to winning our case. Competition for attention and time is high however and unfortunately many of those who would most benefit from reading will be able to spare the time.

Of course, the same challenge applies to this site. There’s a lot of content here and very few people have the time to read through it. The hope is that it brings together the key arguments and resources you need when contacting councillors and MPs while showing them – at a glance – the wealth of research and evidence to support home education.

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Home Education UK (website)


Education Otherwise (organisation)
